Types of ABA Application

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)
An evidence-based, scientific approach that can help many kinds of learners to increase language and communication skills, improve social skills, attention, memory, and academics, as well as reducing challenging behaviours.

Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
A highly structured, adult-directed ABA teaching technique that breaks skills down into their most basic components. Systematically, these basic skills are taught one by one, following with reinforcers. Strengths: frequent teaching opportunities, clear target responses and consequences. Limitation: generalization can be difficult, may evoke problem behaviour.

Natural Environment Teaching (NET)
A type of ABA teaching method that uses naturally occurring opportunities for learning and the learning opportunity is initiated by the learner's interest in an activity or object. Advantages: prevent problem behaviour, generalization is addressed. Limitation: learner may be more distracted, requires skillful trainer.

Verbal Behaviour (VB)
An application of ABA therapy focuses on language and communication by teaching "why" we use words and "how" they are useful in requesting for items. Trainer ensures learner are motivated to acquire language to meet their needs and desires. The four main operants are: echoic (imitation), mand (request), tact (label) and intraverbal (conversation).

Pivotal Response Training (PRT)
A play-based, child initiated and naturalistic training method based on the scientific principle of ABA. Trainer models play, teaches learner to acquire simple through complex play skills and remain creative in their play. The four key features are: motivation, self-initiation, self-management, responsiveness to multiple cues.

SAFMEDS is Say All Fast Minute Each Day Shuffle. A learning strategy designed to help learners to retain information and attain high academic fluency by saying the answer out loud in minute.